Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Another good day

Another good day not spending much money today!

I went to a gym class first thing which I really enjoy and puts me in a great healthy frame of mind. I want to go to one tomorrow as well. Then after that I went to visit a friend, we had planned to go for a long walk to the library and a picnic by the river but sadly it has steadily rained all day long. So instead we had coffee and fudge cake (my contribution) at her place and then we wrapped up warm and walked to the library anyway. Jolly good exercise especially as I was lugging my giant sack of library books as well as myself and an umbrella! I got some books and magazines out and then a DVD. The DVD costs $2 to hire for a week so to make it more economical I choose a TV series that I enjoy but haven't seen before, Numb3rs Season 1. So I saved myself a good $28 by simply hiring it instead of buying it, watching it once and having it on my shelf.

After we had walked back to my friends house, we had another coffee and she mentioned she had some clothes she had to take to the op shop. Knowing she has quite good fashion sense I asked to go through the bag and I picked out a cute blue skirt (handmade) with a pink trim, it might be a bit big but that's ok as I can ask someone to take it in for me. I also scored a gorgeous black vintage woollen dress! Fingers crossed it fits me but even if it doesn't I don't care, I will sew it up myself if I have to!   

Then after that I went to a facebook friend's house who had found a bag of toy horses and offered them free to her friends so I collected a plastic toy horse in which all the joints move, it will be perfect for the Girls barbies and princesses!

I am still planning on doing my weekly food shop one day later than last week, so on Thursday but I am not sure how that's going to go! I have plenty of food but I am missing some vital ingredients for my main roster of meals. Its even harder as I am trying to low carb. Still only one more day to go, so essentially I need two possible meals, lunch and dinner. Clearly I will have to get creative!

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