Friday, January 25, 2013

Eeek its been a few days since I last blogged! I managed to hold out and go shopping today, so another 8 days between shops. Although its been easier since the Girl has been spending some time with her Daddy. I spent $46 at the supermarket and then $12 at the vege shop so a total of $58 this week. I also got a 4 cent off petrol voucher, it doesn't happen often as I rarely spend enough at one supermarket to qualify for one! I do however need to buy some washing powder and peppercorns. The peppercorns I will get from Bin In and the washing powder from the other local supermache. However it will put me a good $6 over budget but needs must, its not such a good look to go out in dirty clothes. (I find my homemade washing liquid is good for sheets and towels but not so good on clothes)

It was my birthday on Wednesday and I decided to take the Girl and I out to the local flash cafe for a treat. I had eggs benedict and a coffee and the Girl had fries and a fluffy, it wasn't cheap but I don't care! I was also spoilt rotten by my family and got given vouchers for underwear, haircut and itunes, some books on urban foraging, gardening and chicken keeping, a pair of jeans (just what I needed) a bag for Uni, a hideously kitch Jesus, Mary and Joesph snow globe, some cool tea light holders, an Irish linen table runner and a key chain charm. So that should keep me going for a while!

Unfortunately in addition to the breakfast out I also went out for tea last night with the girls, and will be again on Sunday night with family so the budget for this week is well and truly blown. Buts its ok as I have sold a few bits and pieces on Trade Me so that should cover it.

I have also been given lots of lovely fresh produce. I spend this afternoon dealing with it all. So the rhubarb has morphed into rhubarb cordial and the pulp is in the freezer to become rhubarb and white chocolate muffin. The silver beet has been shared between the chooks and my freezer. The currants are now black currant cordial and red currant cordial. And the dried beans are soaking ready to be planted in the garden tomorrow. A friend is giving away some plums from his tree so I am off over there tomorrow to collect them, not sure what they will end up as, plum gin (if they are small enough) and perhaps plum jam or possibly even plum sauce. So many options! I also have some apples which I may turn into cider (need to go get a bucket and source a reliable recipe) and some lemons. The lemons are being used in glasses of water and I'm not sure what else I can do with them, might go consult one of my new books.

I really must remember to take some pics and upload them on here.

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